Barn Quilt Sites

Look for these Barn Quilts in the Interlake!

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Try out one of our tours!
TOUR 1: Interlake “BARN QUILT” Trail – Lockport to Winnipeg Beach
(Printable docx)
TOUR 2: Interlake “BARN QUILT” Trail – Sandy Hook to Arborg
 (Printable docx)

Pelican Beauty – 2017 – 14 Willow Drive, Aspen Park, Gimli Manitoba

We purchased artist Gayle Halliwell’s barn quilt at a Minerva Hall art show in the spring of 2024. We chose to name it “Pelican Beauty” to celebrate the beauty fo this magnificent bird and its association with our inland ocean, Lake Winnipeg.

Access to Property:  Yes

Dresden Plate – Winnipeg Beach – 287 Quarter Mile Road (on Highway 9).
This barn quilt was donated to the Interlake Garden Centre by the Interlake Barn Quilt Trail Committee and may be viewed at their location in Winnipeg Beach – 287 Quarter Mile Road (on Highway 9).
Access to Property – Yes, during business hours

Sunburst – 3 Jonasson Rd. Silver Bay – Lake Manitoba

I have made this quilted wallhanging and chose it because of the beautiful sunsets at Silver Bay on Lake Manitoba, where I live 16km West of Ashern.  #3 Jonasson Rd, Silver Bay, Lake Manitoba.

Access to Property: Yes


Canada Goose – 3 Centre St, Gimli, MB R0C 1B0

Gimli Art Club has been in its current location for over 3 decades and is well-known for the Gimli Seawall Gallery-a series of paintings on the concrete pier wall in Gimli Harbour. ln 2019 the Club undertook to grace the exterior walls of the building with public art to celebrate their history. AII paintings were done by members of the gallery, are original works of art, and measure 2’by2′. ln 2021, a barn quilt designed and painted by artist Gayle Halliwell was added to the exterior gallery.

Access to Property:  Yes

Compass Rose

Gimli Harbour Authority – 1 Centre Street, Gimli Manitoba

The Compass Rose has been used by mariners for centuries to find their way.

Access to Property: Yes

Four-Patch Weave

Rooney Family – Facing East from the highway at 103028 PTH 9

103028 PTH 9, Sandy Hook MB

This was a gift from a fellow quilter who liked the block pattern. – 2′ x 2′

Access to Property:  No

Celtic Barn Quilt – 2021
5 Ralph Ave, Matlock MB
Chosen because the property belongs to an Irishman and his wife who was an avid quilter. – 2′ x 2′
Access to Property:  Yes

Pretty Posies x 3 – 2021
Plants Plus Greenhouse
702 Edith Avenue, Petersfield
These three “pretty posies” barn quilts are located at Plants Plus in Petersfield and welcome you to their parking lot and greenhouse.
Painted by Wendy Church
Each is 2’ x 2’
Access to Property:  Yes

Boundary Creek Marina (2021) & Mariner’s Compass (2016)

107 Prospect Street – Winnipeg Beach

These barn quilts are displayed at the Boundary Creek Marina. The Mariner’s Compass, painted by Donna Kerns, is located at Prospect Street and Laurel Avenue.  The Quilt titled “Boundry Creek Marina” is conveniently located on the Boundary Creek Marina clubhouse at 107 Prospect Avenue and was painted by Samantha Grower and Christine Swanson.  Boundary Creek Marina is a well-established facility located at the north end of Winnipeg Beach in Winnipeg Beach Provincial Park.  The Marina is a hidden gem, a little of the beaten path.

Access to Property:  Yes

Sail Away – 2016

Steep Rock Beach Cafe – Steep Rock Beach

This project was conceived one cold Manitoba winter and was a truly joyful experience from start to finish.  For our quilt block, we chose colours that represent all that is beautiful about Steep Rock Beach.  Blue for the water and tan for the limestone cliffs that line the shores.  Green represents the forests and fields of the area.  Lastly, yellow for the summer sun and red for all the colour that spreads across the horizon at sunset.  All these colours surround a sail boat riding the waves as depicted on the Steep Rock Beach Park logo.  Because our quilt was going to be mounted about 20 feet up, we kept our squares and triangles large to create a greater impact.  Please visit us for more information at

Access to Property:  Yes

Autumn Leaf Block/Generations of Quilt Patterns – 2015

Smith Family Studio – 8 Railway Avenue, Fisher Branch

Symbolic of our four seasons.

Access to Property:  Yes

Dutchman’s Puzzle, Churn Dash, Round the Block – 2015

Mama Bear’s Quilt Shop – 4 Main Street, Ashern

I was very lucky in winning these three barn quilt blocks at the Lakeside Quilters Show in Winnipeg Beach in 2014.

Access to Property:  Yes

Bear Paw
This barn quilt was donated to Mama Bears Quilt Shoppe by the Interlake Barn Quilt Trail Committee and may be viewed at Mama Bear’s Quilt Shop – 4 Main Street, Ashern
Access to Property – Yes

Butter Churn – 2017

Eriksdale Museum – 15 Station Lane and Main Street, Eriksdale

Our museum is a municipal heritage site featuring a creamery museum with various types of churns used for making butter and highlighting the role creameries played in small communities.

Our choice for our barn quilt is the churn dash pattern.  Our choice of colours stemmed from a green trim on the building and yellow for butter.  The barn quilt was painted by Trevor Scott and Adam Mikula, Eriksdale Museum summer students.

Access to Property:  Yes

Manitoba Wheat Stalk – 2018

Friesen Family – 9065 Highway 68, West of Arborg

I wanted something distinctly Manitoban so I chose the wheat stalk.

Access to Property: Please respect owners’ privacy

Prairie Crocus – 2015

Sew Happy Quilts ’n More – 334 – 1st Avenue, Arborg

Provincial flower of Manitoba

Access to Property:  Yes

Geese Around the Rock – 2016

Curling Rink – 417 Recreation Centre, Arborg

Located on the east side of the curling rink, the quilt portrays “The Rock” and highlights the history of curling in Arborg as it is located beside the World’s Largest Curling Rock.  Curling has a long history in rural communities and it still provides opportunities for people of all ages to remain active and vibrant.  This quilt was designed by local quilter, Janice Skene, and painted by the children who attended Summer Camp at the Arborg Bifrost Recreation Centre during the summer of 2016.  A plaque with their names has been mounted with the barn quilt.

Access to Property:  Yes

Maple Leaves – 2015

Skene/Judge Family – 452 David Street, Arborg

I love maple leaves and feel they are important as symbols of Canada and all it represents.

Access to Property:  Please respect owners’ privacy

Harvest Sun – 2015

Arborg and District Multicultural Heritage Village – 10135 Hwy 68, East of Arborg

The Chapil family heritage barn was moved onto the Village site and was restored.  Harvest Sun reflects our agricultural community.

Access to Property:  Yes

Together We Live – 2015

Hurst/Andersen Family – #18108 Road 126 N, 1/4 miles west of Highway 8

Along  the driveway south of the Andersen Berries sign. People are welcome to use the driveway to turn around at the house.

Andersen Berries started in 1996, years after Frode emigrated to Canada from Denmark to start grain farming.  Frode sold his first berries out of the back of his pickup truck beside the small patch, hoping for someone to show up to buy them after he had put up posters in the neighbourhood.  Now, 20+ years later, Frode and Tamara run a well-known U-Pick, hiring many local workers from April to October to make the picking in July possible.  People coming by during picking season are welcome to come pick if the signs are out.

The quilt block design is symbolic of both our ethnic backgrounds (Danish and Canadian flags), and our lives together, strawberry and grain farming.  Tamara’s Metis background is visible with Mother Turtle (border) as she supports our world on her back.  We are both very aware of our world and know we must work together, with nature, to survive and thrive.

Access to Property:  Yes, during picking season

Lady Slipper – 2015

Silver Community Centre – SW 35-21-2E, Road 125 N, Slightly east of Highway 7, Silver

Wild Lady Slipper flowers grow wild in this area.

Access to Property:  Yes

My Old Tractor – 2016

Arborg Ag Society Antique Tractor Pull Site – Silver Community Centre

SW 35-21-2E, Road 125 N, Slightly east of Highway 7, Silver

This barn quilt recognizes those who love antique tractors.

Access to Property:  Yes

Mariner’s Compass – 2017

Sandulak/Clarke Family – 23 Lake Drive, Glen Bay Subdivision

Living on the shore of Lake Winnipeg, we decided to use a mariner theme.  The compass brings the sea to mind as captains used the compass to find their way home.  We chose the blue background to represent the water of our vast “inland ocean.”

Access to Property:  Yes

Maple Leaf – 2017

Stefanson Family – 18124 PR 231, Northwest Corner of Hwy 231 and Hwy 8, on Hwy 231

This quilt was a tribute to Canada’s 150 celebrations.  It seemed a fitting way to show how blessed we feel to live in Canada.

Access to Property:  Please respect owner’s privacy

May Flowers – 2015

Bellefeuille Family – 1 Loni Street, Loni Beach

Liked the block and painted it to be colourful.

Access to Property:  Yes

Star on the Horizon – 2016

Gimli New Horizons – 17 North Colonization Road

(Off alley close to stop sign at 5th Avenue North)

Gimli New Horizons is an Activity Centre where we focus on programs that get you moving and thinking.  We are continually developing our programs to provide interesting, age-appropriate, challenging, and fun environments for our members – our stars – who range in age from 55 years old to 95 years young.  Please visit our website at

Access to Property:  Yes

Gimli Fish – 2016

RM of Gimli, Outdoor Stage – 5th Avenue and Amisk, Gimli

Gimli relies heavily on the fishing industry.  The block represents fish and the spirit of Gimli.  Yellow and Blue are the colours of the RM of Gimli

Access to Property:  Yes

Stepping Stones and Variable Star – 2015 and 2019

Newman Family – 122 Autumnwood, Gimli

The Stepping Stones quilt block was won at the Lakeside Quilters Show in Winnipeg Beach in 2014.

My neighbour paints barn quilt blocks and she had set them outside on her lawn.  I picked the blue and yellow star as the one that I liked best.  I love happy colours.

Access to Property:  Yes

Thimble Blossoms – 2017

Hebert Family – SW Corner of Highway 9 and Willow Creek Road (107N), Gimli

Blue for the house and Studio and purple for the Studio door, and a remembrance of our two precious cats.  Cat’ch Yer Eye Studio is on the WAVE Artists’ Studio Tour.  Look for their work on

Access to Property:  Yes

Friendship Block – 2015

Kerns Family – 246 – 6th Avenue, Winnipeg Beach

During two road trips through the eastern United States a few years ago, I was amazed by the beautiful quilt art adorning barns, sheds, and businesses and decided I needed to make a barn quilt for myself.  In September 2012, armed with the necessary supplies and a quilt pattern to celebrate friendships of over 50 years, I set up shop on my dining room table and painted my first barn quilt. It is mounted on my shed which can be seen from our sunroom and I smile every time I look at it.

Access to Property:  Please respect owners’ privacy

Pinwheel and Star – 2018

McMurrich Family – 335 Prospect Street, Winnipeg Beach

My first barn quilt was my favourite block, a 9-Patch; but it just didn’t suit as a barn quilt.  So, conferring with my son and daughter-in-law, decided on this one.  Much better!

Access to Property:  Yes (Summer Only)

Dogtooth Violet – 2016

Parker/Mackenzie Families – 121 – 2nd Avenue, Winnipeg Beach

I like the name and how many colour combinations potentially work with this design.  The design is simple but also has possibilities for more intricate additions.

Access to Property:  Please respect owners’ privacy

Carpenter’s Star – 2016

113 Park Avenue, Winnipeg Beach

Access to Property:  Please respect owners’ privacy

Sailing the Day Away – 2016

Scott Family – 119 Park Avenue, Winnipeg Beach

This is a quilt design I originally made in 1981.

Access to Property:  Please respect owners’ privacy

Double Pinwheel and Flying Geese – 2016

Dykes Family – 343 Silverdale Avenue, North Side of Street, Winnipeg Beach

Designed by Bonnie Dykes

After working on so many barn quilts last summer for our newly developed Interlake Barn Quilt Trail, I decided I needed my own barn quilt for my front yard.

Access to Property:  Yes

Prairie Rose – 2018

Strollway and River, Winnipeg Beach

Winnipeg Beach Age Friendly Initiative

The floral theme compliments the Community Gardens

Access to Property:  Yes

See it at Winnipeg Beach – 2015

Winnipeg Beach Community Centre – 32 Hamilton Avenue, Winnipeg Beach

Designed by Bonnie Dykes

Depicts the sunshine and activities of Winnipeg Beach

Access to Property:  Yes

Wind Blown – 2015

Solmundson’s Greenhouse – #17098 PR 229, West of Hwy 8, Sandy Hook

Designed by Bonnie Dykes.

Wind Blown reminds her of the prairies pattern idea from the book, Flying Geese Colours, by Gail Garber.

Access to Property:  Yes

Massachusetts Star – 2015

Hunter Family – 3044 Prout Road 17E, R.M. St. Andrews

Off PR 229, West of Hwy 8

This is the first block I made in a quilting class given by my friend and mentor, Heather Lair. It represents a shift in my life as I am now a full-time fibre artist.  It was an opening for me to quilting which led to visual arts of many different mediums.  So, in a way, this honours my quilting roots and celebrates my gratitude to Heather.

Access to Property:  Please respect owners’ privacy

The People who Enrich our Lives – 2018

Stouffer Family – 13016 Highway 229, Between Highways 8 and 7

We created this barn quilt as a project with a few of my students in Grade 8 Art at Dr. George Johnson Middle School.  I drew it for them and my boys primed and taped it.  Some of my girls painted the larger areas and some finished the finer parts.  We started in October and finished this April.  I chose the design because it reflects the star as all of the people in our lives and those who are no longer with us.

Access to Property:  Yes

Morning Star Variation – 2018

Rieder Family – 105093 Road 7E

Morning Star is often favoured by aboriginal and Metis quilters for many, many decades.

Access to Property:  Please respect owners’ privacy

Original by Betty Jackson and Star – 2015

Dunnottar Station and Ponemah Art Centre – 27 Central Avenue, Ponemah

In 2010, Elaine Twanow and Betty painted the barn quilts to brighten up the area and to advertise their yearly quilt show.

Access to Property:  Yes

My Stars – 2015

Matlock Recreation Club – 77 Matlock Road, Matlock

Sharon Litzenberger and Betty painted this block for the quilting group, “Sew ‘n Sews,” which meets every Monday morning all year round.  The block is displayed on the front of the Recreation Centre.

Access to Property:  Yes

Friendship Star and Bear Claw – 2018

Maslowski Family (Cedar House Quilting) – 6907 Henderson Highway, Gonor

Built in ca. 1974, the building was originally an indoor pool. We hadn’t used the pool for a long time and in 2016 converted the space for the business area of a home based quilting business, appropriately named Cedar House Quilting. With only high windows on the large wall facing the road we have been thinking ever since we first heard of the idea of a barn quilt that this would be an ideal location for one. Voila!

The friendship star is a traditional block. Helen designed a simple constellation of friendship stars as homage to the many wonderful people we’ve met since she ventured into the quilting universe. The colours were chosen to complement the colours of the building.

The bear claw design is a traditional quilt block. We chose this design to honour the many creatures with whom we share our home including the occasional black bear.

As with our first barn quilt, the colours were chosen to complement the colours of the building.

Access to Property:  Yes

Canada Goose – 2018

Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre – 1 Snow Goose Bay

The barn quilt is mounted on a viewing blind that was originally built on the east side of the Marsh.  It was moved to its present location in 2016 and officially opened in 2017.  It offers visitors a chance to observe the diverse wetland wildlife in one of the busiest ponds at Oak Hammock Marsh.  This is a great spot for wildlife photographers.

Access to Property:  Yes

Stepping Stones – 2019

Teulon and District Museum

To mark Teulon’s centennial year.  The artist liked the idea of Stepping Stones to connect generations: today’s quilters to their resourceful pioneers, stepping back in history.  The colour blue represents the sky and water, light yellow for the grain fields, and red with rust undertones for the red barns.

Access to Property:  Yes from June to September.  Closed October to May.

Clandeboye Community Hall (Second Avenue)

The Hall celebrated 80 years in 2017.  It is a busy place serving the needs of our community.  The Maple Leaf, painted by Helma Rogge Rehires, was purchased in support of Selkirk Holiday Alley and the Interlake Barn Quilt Trail and as a way to participate in the Trail.

Access to Property:  Yes

Double Pinwheel and Flying Geese – 2019

Clandeboye Community Hall (Main Street)

The Hall celebrated 80 years in 2017.  It is a busy place serving the needs of our community.  The Double Pinwheel and Flying Geese is an original design by Bonnie Dykes and was painted by Bonnie. It was purchased in support of Selkirk Holiday Alley and the Interlake Barn Quilt Trail and as a way to participate in the Trail.

Star – 2019

Hawes Family – 313 Eveline Street, Selkirk

This barn quilt is a gift from my sister, Wendy Church. It is visible from Eveline Street which is a busy street in the City of Selkirk. Eveline is part of the Trans Canada Trail and also Veterans Memorial Drive!

Access to Property:  Yes

Weaving 1 and Weaving 2 – 2020

Atkey Family – 311 Sunset Drive, Gimli, MB

Both are visible from the public grass walkway to the left of the house. Block designed by the painter, it’s a weaving of the local colours in summer: green trees, yellow sun, white clouds, blue lake.

Access to Property:  Yes

Access to Property:  Yes

Canada 150 and West Interlake Trading Company – 2019

WITC Grain Elevator

The crown jewel of the West Interlake Trading Company (WITC) sits silently along the railroad tracks in Warren, Manitoba keeping watch over the small prairie town. Built in 1948, “The Sentinel” dominates the prairie skyline, as the only building of its size in the surrounding area, and offers a unique look into the past as one of few remaining elevators in Manitoba.

Today, the elevator proudly displays two 12’x12′ barn quilts, one with the Canada 150 logo and the other with the WITC logo.

Access to Property:  Yes

If you would like a custom barn quilt made, please contact:

Karen and Wendy create some beautiful works and will be happy to work design a pattern, especially for you! Or choose from many barn quilts they have in stock.