Dunnottar Piers

The Famous Dunnottar Piers built by hand each spring have brought years of happiness, joy, and fun to the lakeshore in the Village of Dunnottar. The water is quite shallow in this area so to avoid the rocky shoreline swimmers wanted to be able to get out to deeper water without picking the rocks out of the beach.

One family started building these piers, and it has continued down through 3 generations to modern-day. The base of the structure stays in place year-round, go to the beach in the winter and you will see the main part onshore, but each spring long poplar poles are cut and pounded into the sand as soon as it is safe from ice.

Then the base is built out from shore one plank at a time, one set of rails at a time. It is a painstaking task and if you are fortunate you may see this being done. It is quite a feat of work.

Location/Directions: Along the shoreline throughout the Village of Dunnottar The photo was provided by Aaron's on the Lake Bed & Breakfast -taken from their cottage that is available through their business