Over 1240 hectares [3,064 acres], unique area containing rich, calcareous (limestone, chalky) fens (marshes & lowlands), springs within a white cedar forest. This calcareous fen is considered rare in North America. Area also contains a high diversity of plant species including 23 provincially rare & uncommon plants.Twenty-eight (28) of Manitoba’s 36 native orchid species, including the rare ram’s head lady’s slipper is found here, along with eight (8) of Manitoba’s ten species of carnivorous (insect-eating) plants. Long used by the local First Nation communities for collecting medicinal plants and for cultural activities, which continue today, this area is an eco-tourist delight.
An interpretive trail and boardwalk on Crown Land adjacent to the ecological reserve allows the public safe access to visit without causing further damage to the native plants and their habitat.
Location/Directions: Along Hwy 59, east of Brokenhead Ojibway Nation Reserve