Sailing the Inland Ocean… If you’re a sailing enthusiast.
The Gimli Yacht Club, located on the shores of Lake Winnipeg is home to a large flotilla of keelboats & a number of dinghies. This club offers sailing lessons for children and adults from White Sail to Bronze Sail levels. You could enjoy club racing every Wednesday evening for keel boaters and numerous regattas during the summer.
The clubhouse features a large deck, wheelchair access, a kitchen, dining room, showers, washrooms, a classroom, and lockers. Designated docking for keelboats and dinghies, water and electrical hook-ups.
The nearby marina offers docking, pump-outs, gas and diesel sales, plus a boat launch ramp and crane and winter storage.
[GPS N50 37.706 W096 58.821]
GPS Coordinates: GPS-N50 37.706 W096 58.821