Our Tourism Development Grant is NOW OPEN!

ITA Tourism Development Package 2024/2025 and Fillable Budget

The program provides financial support for projects that develop new or enhance existing, tourism products. Projects must contribute to the core Manitoba tourism experience, a unique blend of cultural and nature-based attractions and travel experiences.


What is Tourism Product/Development?

A tourism product or development is a good, a service, or a package of goods and services that helps visitors explore the destination they are visiting by offering them the chance to view attractions, shop for unique items, take tours, or purchase experiences. This is a $2000.00 matching funds grant.


What are the Application Deadlines?

The deadline to apply for the 2024/2025 Tourism Development Fund is 5:00 pm on November 30, 2024.
Application packages must be received prior to the deadline to be considered.


Submission deadline Funding notification date Final Report Due
November 30, 2024 December 20, 2024 September 30, 2025


When must the Project be Completed?

Projects must be completed and the final report submitted by September 30, 2025, including an accounting of all expenditures and project outcomes, must be submitted.


How do I Apply?

To apply, please follow the following steps:
1. Review the ITA Tourism Development Package and Fillable Budget

Ensure your organization and project idea fit within the program guidelines. Start gathering the information needed to complete the funding application.
*****Prior to formalizing an Application, project applicants should contact one of the following to discuss the project scope and eligibility:
Community Futures West Interlake 
lana@westinterlake.com | Phone: 1-888-496-8932 – Box 68, Ashern, MB | Regional Map
Community Futures East Interlake
gm@eastinterlake.com | Phone: 1-800-378-5106 – 62-2nd Avenue,  Gimli, MB | Regional Map
For RED RIVER NORTH REGION or to become an ITA member please contact:
Interlake Tourism Association admin@interlaketourism.com | Phone: 204-322-5378, Box 399 Warren, MB | Regional Map


***NOTE: If you do not consult with the ITA, Community Futures East or West, prior to submission, this will affect your chances of receiving this funding.***


2. Complete the ITA Tourism Development Package and Fillable Budget

(IMPORTANT: Save both documents to your desktop before filling in answers)
Once completed, press submit and/or forward the Program Application, Budget, and any supplemental documentation to one of the program administration partners noted above. A complete application package, including the program application form and all supplemental documentation, must be received prior to 5:00 p.m. on November 30, 2024.
* You must also provide a copy of the complete project budget. The Template is available here: Fillable Tourism Development Fund Budget.


How will Projects be Evaluated? (See the TDF Application Package)

Projects will be evaluated and recommended for support based on the strength of the information included in the application package. Special consideration will be given to those who have not previously received program support. Applicants whose projects are recommended for support will be required to sign a funding agreement outlining the terms of the project. See full evaluation 
Please wait to receive notification that your project has been approved and you have signed a funding agreement prior to incurring costs.
Note: Priority will be given to projects that benefit the region on an ongoing basis.


Where do I send my Application Package?

Forward the completed project application along with all required supporting documentation to:
Interlake Tourism Association: admin@interlaketourism.com 
Application packages must be received no later than November 30, 2024, at 5:00 pm.
*****Please direct any questions relating to the guidelines and application process to the ITA or Community Futures Partners based on your location as stated above.*****


Resource: Grant Writing Webinar with ITA & Community Futures East/West

Need help writing your grant, tune in to this webinar and get all the insider tips & tricks! ⬇️